

rf11-thumbRubber Finger #11 : Magnus Freelyson has problems. Only, he didn’t used to.  Magnus had been just a quiet cog in the massive machine, the Giant Rubber Monster Inc., which owned half of the world. When the company’s head, Fred Freely, appears to have died mysteriously, Magnus suddenly finds himself in the captain’s chair. But it’s not just running things that he’s going to have to get used to. For one, he now knows that Fred’s his father, and that’s just the start of his new family problems. Betaville, owner of the other half of the world, has already begun to clamor at the gates in search of a conquest that will end the decades old stalemate of consumption. But smack in the middle of it all is the path of red herrings, bizarre plotting and a host of clones and doubles that Magnus must unravel to find the true Fred Freely… who might not be quite as dead as everyone thinks…

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lunessey-thumbThe Lunessey : The Moon. Lonely Lady of Mystery. Home to both Monster and Madness.

A beam of moonlight leads our narrator away from the Earth and into a dangerous case of mistaken identity within the unknown worlds of the lunar realm on a race through hallowed celestial mechanics where gods still play.

The Lunessey embarks on a fantastic voyage beyond the chase for the lunar criminal Mr. Ryte, past questions of free will and fate, beyond the Earth and Moon, to the playful edges of existence and the universal finale.

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 mcod-thumb Memories of the Children of Death : God’s conscience tells him to leave. His lapses in memory make him a danger to himself and everyone else. Kato’s faded out. Pixie and her robot, Bill, have been attacked by roving gangs of vampires and clowns. And Io loves him, but just wants out. The more God thinks, the fuzzier things get, and the fuzzier they get, the more it makes him sick. On the rollercoaster of endless nightlife in this city of the future, a fuzzed out brain was the order of the day…but as the frivolity passes, the truth sneaks out of the shadows to spoil the party. Memories of the Children of Death follows a group of friends who, as their worlds drift apart, pursue the truth behind the shadowy figures and strange occurrences that tug the strands on the web of roads and train tracks that flow between the superstructures that truly touch the sky.

Available on Amazon.